Tamara Landscape Partnership Projects

The Projects

The Tamara Scheme consists of 10 exciting projects, which we have broken down into 4 main themes. They are:

People and Communities

  • An events timetable packed full of activities for individuals and families to connect communities and provide great experiences. This will culminate in a River Festival in 2024.
  • New events and activities to improve physical health and well-being. They include walks and talks; art therapy; bushcraft; tree planting and yoga.
  • Over 20 apprenticeship, foundation and internships will be created.
  • With The Westcountry Rivers Trust we are recruiting volunteers to look after their local waterways and schools will take part in fun workshops.


  • Conserving and enhancing key historic sites, whilst helping local communities to identify, research and protect the heritage that matters to them.
  • With Tamar Grow Local we are working to revitalise the Valley’s market garden industry.
  •  We will preserve the history of the valley by creating a Heritage Hub that contains the oral, written and visual history of the Valley.

Access and Sustainable Tourism

  • We aim to improve sustainable and integrated transport in the Valley. Highlights include the creation of an 87-mile walking route, the Tamara Coast to Coast Way, the Circuit of Cornwall, which is a circular walking route around Cornwall and a trial reinstatement of the Casltock Ferry.
  • With Visit Tamar Valley we are working to support the Valley to become a sustainable tourism hub. 

Farming and Land Management

  • We are providing support and advice to farmers, landowners and communities to create opportunities and mitigate challenges.

Your support is vital to our plans for the future of this region