Explores the pioneering innovation of this unique area, including groundbreaking mining technology, experimental research for the market gardening industry and inventive forestry techniques. This will be carried out through a variety of creative media and activities to raise awareness and strengthen understanding of the evolution of the Scheme area landscape and how the challenges of tomorrow will be met to ensure a more sustainable future.
Why is this important?
There is a need to ensure that the pioneering techniques developed within the Tamar Valley are captured for posterity, and that there is a community understanding and celebration of the relevance and importance of innovation of the past and how it may survive into the future.
- Greater community understanding and celebration of the innovative techniques developed and migrated out of the Tamar Valley
- Mobile exhibition of photographs displayed within the Tamar Valley and in Plymouth
- Captured legacy of the Heritage of Innovation for future research
- Short film, photographic exhibition, capture oral history
- Academic based report on the results of the research and community involvement