Tamara Trainees


Foundation, internship and apprenticeship training opportunities, offering access to training for all groups linking the rural and urban populations of the Tamar Valley. Barriers to participation will be removed through tailored financial and pastoral support, enabling anyone from any background and situation to participate.

Why is this important?

This project will increase the opportunities for employment and meet the skills need within the Tamara Landscape Partnership scheme area. It will remove barriers and allow everyone, and not just those who can afford it, both in terms of time and money, to participate for a full 12 months. Based on feedback, the training options have been broadened to offer foundation training, traineeship and apprenticeship options. All trainees, interns and apprentices will be paid at the living wage and a full pastoral support structure will be in place, including welfare specialists, wellbeing support, tutoring, coaching and mentoring provided through Plymouth Community Homes. This broadening of opportunities available will enable participation from a wider range of groups and backgrounds.


  • 11 ten week foundation courses
  • 4 x 6 and 4 x 12 month internships fully funded, or other combinations which total 6 x 12 month positions
  • 5 x 12 month fully funded apprenticeships with educational component
  • Over 80% attendance and completion
  • Evidence of increased level of knowledge, qualification and confidence in participants
  • Increased levels of participant employment in relevant industries in the Tamar Valley within 12 months of completion

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