Natural Connections


Natural Connections will create opportunities for people to take part in activities and events that will improve their mental and physical health and wellbeing. The project will partner with link workers, the social prescribing network, and specialist organisations such as Battling On, Dementia Adventure and Plymouth Community Homes, to work with groups, including veterans and those not in education, employment or training. Events will include walk and talk groups, art therapy, bushcraft and life skills. The project will quantifiably measure the impact on its participants using the nationally recognised Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale and, through questionnaires, identify if participation has led to decreased dependence on health and social care. 

Why is this important?

This project will help people to engage with the landscape creatively and therapeutically, using landscape to improve people’s physical health and mental well-being by helping them to reconnect with nature and heritage and to overcome social isolation. Pre-frailty interventions will decrease dependency on health and social care.  


  • At least 250 activity sessions
  • 1,000 people taking part in activities
  • 90% positive feedback from event attendees
  • Measurable improvements in health and wellbeing using the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale
  • Measurable reduced dependence on health and social care

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10 Very special projects


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