First Walkers Complete 87-mile Tamara Coast to Coast Way
It’s been an exciting summer here in the Tamar Valley, with the launch of the Tamara Coast to Coast Way walking route. The Tamara Team
It’s been an exciting summer here in the Tamar Valley, with the launch of the Tamara Coast to Coast Way walking route. The Tamara Team
The Tamara Landscape Partnership Scheme, funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund, and the Cornwall and West Devon Mining World Heritage Site have undertaken some new
The Tamara Coast to Coast Way, a new 87-mile walking route that stretches between the South and North coast in the South-West is now open,
We are creating a new 90-mile Cornish walking route, reaching from the South to the North Coast of Cornwall via the Tamar Valley. The route
Description The project incorporates five elements: Natural Capital and Nature Recovery Network map application, nodal farms providing a hub for disseminating best practice, catchment-wide approach
Description Create a digital destination website called ‘Visit Tamar Valley’ that stimulates an increase in visitor numbers and business opportunities for local business. Rebranding and
Description The project aims to create sustainable and integrated transport and access links throughout the scheme area, including establishing the Tamara Coast to Coast Way,
Description This project supports market gardening enterprises, community allotment, including training programmes for new plot holders. It looks at the feasibility of establishing new markets
Description Vernacular buildings and distinctive regional details play a key role in giving a place its identity. This project aims to work with local communities
Description Explores the pioneering innovation of this unique area, including groundbreaking mining technology, experimental research for the market gardening industry and inventive forestry techniques. This
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