10 exciting projects make up the Tamara Landscape Partnership Scheme and there are 5 main themes: Built and Natural Heritage; Farming and Land Management; Access and Sustainable Tourism; Education and Training; Events and Wellbeing.

A new vision for a new era
Built and Natural Heritage
Built Heritage

With the support of our partners we are conserving and enhancing key historic sites, whilst helping local communities to identify, research and protect the unique heritage that matters to them.
Promoting our Produce

With Tamar Grow Local we are working to revitalise the Valley’s market garden industry by supporting existing and new market gardening enterprises and community groups. This includes new community allotments; specialised training and demonstration sites; a network of local food ambassadors, and a ‘brand’ to market the produce will also be explored.
Heritage Hub

We are creating a heritage hub which will be accessible to everyone and contain the oral, written and visual history of the Valley.
Farming and Land Management
Farming and Land Management

We are working with farmers, landowners and communities to mitigate for climate change; improve water quality; increase tree and orchard planting and restore hedgerows. We are also providing support in the post-Brexit world and with the introduction of the new Environment Land Management Scheme (ELMS) agri-environment schemes.
Access and Sustainable Tourism
Tamara Coast to Coast Way

We hope to create a new 90-mile Cornish walking route, reaching from the South to the North Coast of Cornwall via the Tamar Valley. The route aims to join together existing rights of way to create a path which broadly follows the River Tamar and establishes a new circular walk around the coast and county boundary of Cornwall.
Sustainable Tourism

We are working with Visit Tamar Valley to help the Valley to become a sustainable tourism hub. A new destination website has been developed and local businesses are being supported with training and advice.
Education and Training
Education and Training

With our partners, we aim to develop over 20 apprenticeship, foundation and internships whilst removing barriers which may have stopped some people from taking up training opportunities in the past. The Tamara Trainees project aims to improve the job prospects of people living in and around the Tamar Valley and to provide support for local businesses.
Events, Activities and Wellbeing
Wellbeing Events

We are running new events and activities to improve people’s physical health and mental well-being. Our events include walks and talks; art therapy; bushcraft; tree planting and yoga to name but a few.
River Explorers

We are working with the Westcountry Rivers Trust to recruit trained volunteers who will look after their local waterways and protect it by monitoring its biodiversity, pollution and sediment levels. Schools will take part in fun workshops and learn how to care for their local rivers, ponds and streams.
Your support is vital to our plans for the future of this region