Tamara News & Blog

Monument Management Scheme (MMS) We are working with Historic England to survey and develop reports for important historic sites in and around …

We are working with Tamar Grow Local to revitalise the Valley’s market garden industry by supporting existing and new market gardening enterprises …

Summer developments

During the Spring, consultations on the Tamara Coast to Coast Way took place and the feedback has been incredibly helpful, so thank …

Working in partnership with Farming In Protected Landscapes (FIPL), colleagues at the AONB, we have been busy engaging with farmers and landowners. …

Mapping the Miners’ Smallholdings We have been working with the World Heritage Site (WHS) and Exeter University to map the mineworkers’ smallholdings …

In the run up to the summer there have been numerous art, heritage, nature, local produce and water- based events taking place. …


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