During the Spring, consultations on the Tamara Coast to Coast Way took place and the feedback has been incredibly helpful, so thank you to everyone who took part. Over the summer we will be looking at the suggestions we’ve had about potential route changes, and to finalise what path improvements will be needed.
Work has also started on researching the history and points of interest along the walk to produce the guide and directions which will be available to download when the route is opened next Spring.
We have also commissioned a writer to create around 25, 1 hour – full day walks, starting in the villages and train stations in the Tamar Valley. The plan is to also make these downloadable from the website, so that people can either print them out, or follow them on their phone.
In the Autumn we will be working with Visit Tamar Valley to provide guidance for local businesses about how they can benefit from the new Coast to Coast Way.
Whilst the formal consultations are over, we’re still interested in any ideas people have so please do get in touch with Mark Owen, who is leading this project.