Celebrating Tamara
Description Celebrating Tamara will create a series of themed events building year on year to connect communities, bring new audiences into the Tamara Landscape Partnership, and provide really fun experiences for people, engaging them with their local heritage. Events will focus on heritage themes unique to the Tamar Valley, including art, the seasons and local […]
More than 160 People Take Part in Tamara Wellbeing Sessions
The spring and summer of 2022 was a pilot period for the Scheme’s Natural Connections project. We explored different approaches to improving the health and wellbeing of local residents through connecting them with nature, heritage and their local landscape. The project has been trying to reach underserved communities, those suffering from mental or physical health […]
Grants and Luckett Catchment Update
We are working with farmers, landowners and communities to mitigate for climate change; improve water quality; increase tree and orchard planting and restore hedgerows. We are also providing support in the post-Brexit world and with the introduction of the new Environment Land Management Scheme (ELMS) agri-environment schemes. Grants Available to Support Nature Sarah Richardson, the […]
Tamar Valley Heritage to be hosted with Partners
We had hoped to create a bespoke online heritage hub for the scheme area, but because of the large costs involved and the need for an expert archivist, we have decided to instead work closely with existing online heritage/historic sites, including Devon & Cornwall HER, Kresen Kernow, The Box (Plymouth) and Historic England, to ensure […]
Volunteers Sign up to Protect Waterways
Our River Explorers Project aims to address the disconnect between people and their local waterways by engaging individuals, communities and schools. So far over 20 local volunteers have been trained to work on their local waterway! This involves monitoring its biodiversity, pollution and sediment levels. These fantastic volunteers are helping to spot pollution events which […]
Sustainable Tourism
We are working with Visit Tamar Valley to help the Valley to become a sustainable tourism hub. A new destination website www.visittamarvalley.co.uk has been developed and local businesses are being supported with training and advice. Visit Tamar Valley have won the contract to deliver the Come Visit Stay Awhile project, which is one of the […]
Plans Underway to Open This Summer!
Preparations are well under way to open the new 90-mile walking route this Summer. This 7-day walking trail will follow the River Tamar from sea to source linking both coasts and in turn will also create a circular walking route around the coast of Cornwall. Following the consultations last year, we have made a few […]
More Apprenticeships in Pipeline!
The Tamara Trainees project, which aims to develop over 20 apprenticeship, foundation and internships whilst removing barriers which may have stopped some people from taking up training opportunities in the past, is progressing well. We have arranged for 3 Assistant Ranger Apprenticeships to be hosted by the National Trust (1 has been filled and the […]
Built Heritage News Update
Monument Management Plan Completed One of the Tamara Scheme’s key heritage projects which has involved surveying the condition of 7 key mining sites in the Valley and providing a costed repair or stabilisation recommendation, has been completed. Gunnislake Clitters Mine, New Consols Mine, Okel Tor Mine, Gawton Mine, Holmbush Mine (Winsor Lane), Tamar Canal Lock […]
New Events, WEIF Projects and Working Groups
Water Sampling at Luckett Stream As part of the Water Environment Investment Fund (WEIF) project, water sampling of the Luckett Stream has begun by Westcountry Rivers Trust, the 6 month initial programme is to ascertain baseline condition of the Luckett Stream. This is to enable us to identify the main pollutants in the watercourse, and […]