Discover more about the Tamara Landscape Partnership Scheme

Aerial view of the Tamar valley

A drop-in evening has been planned later this month for the local community in the Tamar Valley to find out more about how they can get involved in the £3.2million National Lottery Heritage Funded project, the Tamara Landscape Partnership Scheme.

The 5-year scheme was launched earlier this year, but now that the new staff team is in post, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved and work is well underway to provide a brighter future for the Tamar Valley.

Sammy Fraser, Community and Volunteering Officer for Tamara, says; “I’m really looking forward to meeting local residents and businesses. Our drop-in session has been planned to coincide with the Great Big Green Week (18th – 26th September) and Landscapes for Life Week (18th – 27th September); Tamara will help deliver work to keep the landscape of the Tamar Valley AONB special.”

Key details of Tamara include:

  • Apprenticeships and internships to improve job prospects and to provide support for local businesses
  • Advice and grants for farmers to reinstate landscapes and maintain traditional skills
  • Community allotments with training opportunities and reintroduction of heritage varieties
  • Social prescribing, including walking, running, art and bush craft
  • Opportunities and support for local businesses as the Tamar Valley strives to become the destination for a low-carbon, sustainable holiday
  • Benefits for walkers as the Tamar Valley Discovery Trail will be extended to reach the coast.

Through 10 specific projects, at least 250 activity sessions will take place to improve mental and physical health & wellbeing; 50 hectares of woodland will be restored; 10 hectares of trees will be planted and 5 new orchards will be created.

Come along to the Tamar Valley Centre, Drakewalls (PL18 9FE) on Friday 24th September, any time between 5:30pm and 7:30pm, to meet Sammy. Find out more about the events and volunteering opportunities available for all ages, and share your ideas on what you would like the scheme to provide.

Refreshments will be available. Face masks must be worn. Dogs on leads welcome. Contact for more information.




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